2 Moresense

A 1960s Pop Culture Hero and Radical Does a Hit Job On American History!

Howard Zinn author of “A People’s History of the United States” a totally one-sided radical view of our history. This is another piece in the puzzle when you look at what is going on in our country. Add some other required reading in our schools like; Marx’s “Communist Manifesto”, Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and “8 Steps to Socialism”, Marcuse, Foucault and do not forget Jacques Derrida, who deconstructed our constitution and expounded the superiority of Marx to a standing ovation at Yale. There is the recipe for the radicalization of our universities, public schools K-12 and especially the leftist press. All motivated by the proven economic and moral failure of Marxism, foisted upon us in the guise of Post Modernism.

We would all hate the United States if we believed these subjective distorted one-sided partisan views. The argument between Materialist, a belief in God and Skeptics (the theory that certain knowledge is impossible) go back 2500 years to the Pre-Socratics, even before Christianity came on the scene. This battle has waned back and forth probably since the beginning of time. In our modern era, a minority of Socialist Post Modern Intellectuals foolishly think they have won the argument and are trying to push all other views aside. They have embraced a political philosophy foreign to our nation and are chopping at the Liberty Tree we all enjoy today.

We are in store for group rights over individual rights dictated by elitist, power at any cost identity politics, emotionally charged irrational hatred and envy-filled mobs and an oppressed against the oppressor mentality if we do not stem the tide and bring balance back to our schools. Intellectuals think they can change human nature by controlling language and knowledge and with this power they can shape our society and culture to fit their Ideologies. Traditional America must be torn down to open the way for their Socialist Utopia. Facts do not matter, they never examine the absolute historical failure of Socialism and Central Planning ending in oppression, starvation, and death. The Socialist Utopia is their religion and these radical zealots will destroy anything that stands in its way.

Zinn’s work was discredited over and over but yet it is still taught to young minds because it fits the Marxist propaganda being foisted upon us. A good rebuttal to Zinn’s communist garbage below. If you have a student being radicalized by these revisionists I would buy it for them.

A little Blue Grass Gospel Song for you.



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