2 Moresense


We are definitely in an all out propaganda war! It is shocking how only one side of many issues gets reported, fact checked, and censored these days. Only one party is held accountable by the Main Stream Marxist Media, Big Tech, and Deep State Government Bureaucracy. Extremist rhetoric, out right lies, baseless theories with no empirical evidence, and lawlessness to the point of absurdity goes unchecked and unquestioned. We the People are in danger of one party rule. Unchecked power is rife for corruption on either side of the political aisle. I never thought I would see the day when an American citizen would be scared to voice their opinion whether others agreed or not!

The far left is not the Traditional Democratic Party of my country loving patriotic grand parents. They have stepped out of Progressivism (Originally a Social movement to better the lot of the common person) into the Post Modern Neo-Marxist Radicalism from the sixties. These Marxist Fanatics have been teaching their slanted Deconstructionist lies against the Exceptional American Experiment and its founding for years right under our noses in the public school system K-12 to College. Our own citizens and especially our young people have been brainwashed to hate their own country with unjust, one-sided, exaggerated accusations and mobocracy.

Elitist dreams of totalitarian rule are now in the open, they have revealed their hand, replace Traditional America (Individualism, property rights, free markets, tolerance, self determination and personal responsibility) with their vision of Socialist Utopia (Group rights run by elitists). This vision of utopia and its fraudulent cookie cutter equality is a powerful tool of the ruling class to gain power and followers. Socialism has been a complete and utter failure though-out history ending in tyranny, murder, starvation and death. The elites rather than blaming themselves for the policy failures causing destitute lives turn the tables and blame the successful.

Giving the government too much authority concentrates power. Concentrated power is an open invitation to Despotic Rulers. An oligarchy of Post Modern Existentialist thinkers (aka Scientific Marxism repackaged) will make every person bow to their absurd ideas of cookie cutter equality. Elitist will tell you how to live and what to think and believe. They will control every aspect of your life by using the Cancel Culture, Political Correctness, your Carbon Footprint, Critical Gender Theory and Critical Race Theory against your personal freedoms. They will even dictate your diet through Socialized Medicine and whether you can use a straw. Tyrants and Despots are dismantling our Constitution and Bill of Rights right under our noses. Post Modern Neo-Marxism believes if they can control language, education and history that they can control society and culture. Intellectuals think they can they can change human nature itself! Apparently they have never raised any children.

In the heyday of the crazy murderous Marxist revolution in Russia socialist egg heads thought group-think could even, believe it or not, affect the laws of nature itself. Group think even back to the days of the Bloody Rousseauian French Revolution believed that the group had absolute power over the individual even to the point of execution and that the individual should be happy to give up his life to the state. (Rousseauian)

Many radical Marxist principles for revolution are being played before our eyes, organize elites, the disenfranchised, and minorities against the evil “Industrial State”. Penetrate the institutions and bureaucracies while shutting down all opposition and any other movements. Stir up emotions and provoke revolution at any cost. (Mao)

This Anti-American, Anti-Individual rights movement is well funded and runs deep but hopefully they have tipped their hand too soon and they can be stifled and checked before its too late. The elites would love to rule from the top down. Open your eyes, we are in the middle of this battle, a battle that was fought with-out in many of our big wars of the past is now raging with-in. Know your enemy read a little of just a couple of fathers of the radicals from the sixties, Herbert Marcuse and Saul Alinsky, it is like turning on the news.

Read the best seller of all time and year after year the life changing Bible, endorsed by millions through-out history. When too much partying enslaved me to drugs, alcohol and any selfish urge the Bible’s truths broke the chains of bondage and led me to true freedom! Start your journey in the Gospel of John and the book of Romans, they will give you an idea what the Bible is all about, the love of God and your redemption. 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 condenses the whole message. Faith in this message will open the door to true liberty and fulfillment which is God’s Spirit in your heart. 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. For a troubled soul read Romans chapter 8 multiple times a day.

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