2 Moresense

The Heroes and Doctrine of the Radical Invasion

Herbert Marcuse

Herbert Marcuse, one of many German Neo-Marxist Intellectuals that fled the Nazis in the 1930s. He immigrated to the USA and was very popular among the radicals of the 1960s. He believed the “oppressive industrial state” could be overthrown by organizing alienated elites, students and minorities.

Herbert Marcuse said, “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean INTOLERANCE against movements from the right and toleration of movements from the left.”, “Remembrance of the past may give rise to dangerous insights.”, “Those who devote their lives to earning a living are incapable of living a human existence.” He reduced humanity to an animal of primal instincts and desires repressed by civilization and social constructs. He believed all the benefits of our modern world are only tools of the powerful to keep us oppressed.

Saul Alinsky an American communist and community organizer taught the radicals to cover their true intentions of tearing down our system and to take over American institutions in his book “Rules for Radicals.” His book also includes 8 steps to Socialism, it is recommended reading in the teachers unions. K-12 and the universities have been under these ideologies sway for 50 years at least. The Communist Manifesto is also a top 10 assigned reading in Colleges. Although the USA out shines all the systems of government in the history of the world they compare it to a fantasy socialist utopia to tear it down.

The next wave of Anti-American thought was the Influence of French Socialist Post-Modernist (also Neo Marxists) of the 1950s-80s. Lyotard, Derrida and Foucault were influential Post-Modern Marxist. Nietzsche & Heidegger are in the foundation of Existentialism and were also very influential with the Nazis. In the 1970s Derrida Deconstructed Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence and expounded the superiority of Marx to a standing ovation at Yale. What does that tell you?

Democrats and Republicans used to be the right and left parties of the same Classic Western John Locke Liberalism (individual rights, property rights, free markets, tolerance, personal responsibility and self determination). The Radical Left Wing of the Democratic Party has stepped out of old-fashioned Progressivism (Originally a social movement to improve the lives of the common person) into political philosophies that we have stood against even as far back as the Bloody Rousseauian French Revolution of the 1790s. We also fought World War 1, 2, and a Cold war against Statist and won. The battle now rages with-in!

The Ideology of the radicals include; A Ruling Class, Central Planning, Group Rights over Individual Rights, Power and Identity Politics, Redistribution of Wealth, cookie cutter equality, economic de-growth, Existential Post Modern Neo-Marxism, Scientific Marxism in the form of Critical Theory which is at the roots of many of their theories such as Critical Race Theory, Deconstruction, Post Structuralism, Gender Studies et…

The Marxist have been at work for a long time. In an open society such as ours many people have embraced Socialism’s seductive siren. Stalin was implanting agents into positions of influence as far back as the 1920s. Many Marxist Socialist Intellectuals fled National Socialism in the 1930s and 1940s and fled to the USA and gained much influence in our colleges. In the 1950s and 1960s the French Post-Modern Neo-Marxist gained great sway among intellectuals in our nation. With American PHDs thoroughly pulled into the Socialist fold the school system has been infected with it from kindergarten to college, After the Cold War ended with the fall of Communist USSR the Communist Chinese have taken over where they left off, bribing our country and the world with their slave labor riches.

Many of the radicals observations are interesting and insightful, but their conclusions, solutions, cookie cutter equality and Socialist Utopia are an utter failure of lies, oppression, starvation and murder throughout its history. Find real solutions and freedom in the bestselling book year after year and in history, the book they hate and smear because it disagrees with everything they teach, the Bible, the Western World’s foundation. The whole message of the Bible is simply put in 1st Corinthians 15 1-4 and its philosophy is as deep and rich as you want to go.

How about a little love after all that.

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