Welcome to 2moresense.com
Website and Blog

*Defending Faith, Family, Country and our Heritage. Lifting up The Lord Jesus Christ and his Word.
*A layman’s view on history, philosophy, theology, politics, and current events from a traditional American perspective: God, country, family, constitution, love, truth and common sense.
*Exposing Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Social Justice Critical Woke Conscious Philosophy.

  This Blogger’s Reports


Blow the trumpet, the bells let them ring, sound the alarms let them sing.
Neo-Marxism is what Post-Modern Elitist Autocrats bring.
A history of murder, starvation and oppression are its sting.
Tyrants have shown their totalitarian hand.
Critical Theory and its Social Justice band, just another divisive Communist brand.
“We the People” must against it stand.
Liberty’s roots run deep in our land.
The Declaration of Independence opened self-determination’s door.
The Bill of Rights let our voices roar.
The Constitution kept us on freedoms shore.
By God’s Grace and our diligence, we will dwell there ever more.
Neither by day nor by night let not Devils give you fright.
Speak out boldly, we must proclaim,
Liberty’s light shines not in vain.
Love and Truth scatters the evil bane.
Darkness and shadows must not reign.

You could say The United States of America has fought two World Wars a Cold War and has had many conflicts with a competing ideology whose roots go as far back as the Jacobians and the Bloody Rousseauian French Revolution of the late 1700s which our founding generation rejected! In our age its seductive siren entices again but this time we fight this war from within!

The enemies of freedom are as cunning and deceitful as they ever have been if not more in our age! 

When our Freedoms and Liberties were on the line the Heroes of our past took action!

Washington’s bold move to cross the Delaware and mount a surprise attack on British forces and win the battle of Trenton saved the faltering American Revolution!

God Bless the United States of America, Out of many one, A new order of government by the people with God given rights, God has favored our efforts!
From the Great Seal: E Pluribus Unum, Novus ordo seclorum, Annuit coeptis