Born in 1960 and raised in a small town I’ve seen great changes in our country. Some of these changes were for the better and sadly some for the worse. A lot of our entertainment in the pre-internet era was found at the Library. That small library in our town opened up a big world to me. My reading habits jumped from westerns to science fiction to mysteries to fantasies to history. At our family home was a set of encyclopedias and as I remember a many book set on the history of the world that I liked because of all the illustrations of great wars and civilizations of the past. I even remember taking on the Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th or 6th grade. So history has been a hobby of mine for many years now.

I became a Christian in my early twenties and have been studying the Bible every since.  I often wondered what these
Politicians were thinking so I started watching political philosophy lectures on You Tube this then led me into the history of philosophy. I have also spent a lot of time in the Library of Congress and the Yale Avalon project not to mention internet research. To me it is shocking how so many people are ill-informed in our era with a world of information at their fingertips, even common knowledge that used to be grade school stuff seems lost to some. My goal is to explore this world of ideas and current events and share it on my blog with a Traditional Christian American Patriot’s perspective which in my mind stands for love and truth.