The Mental Gymnastics of the Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Woke Academic Orthodoxy

The Mental Gymnastics of the Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Woke Academic Orthodoxy


Welcome to the world where to justify their Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Dreams of Socialist Utopia: feelings trump facts, where emotion over rules evidence, where demagoguery rules politics, where ideology nullifies the rule of law and people are just expendable pawns. Rabble rousing is now the norm. Tactics of half-truths, lies, bold faced lies, propaganda, hate, envy, revenge are being used that at one time were frowned upon in our country to push forward a corrupt ideological catastrophe. Checks and balances stifling mobocracy and the abuse of power that were built right into our system by our wise founders are now also being torn down by ideologs.

The ideology of concentrated power in the hands of elitists that believe the group conscious is the state, group rights over individual rights, and the ends justify the means to gain power has gained great influence. The cult of the state that believes those in power dictate the laws, shape society, culture, and set the moral standard and even decide what the truth is now reign. These faux moral superiors and vacuous virtue signalers create and exaggerate oppressor-oppressed groups, alienation of workers, class warfare, and tribalism to advance their cause. Marxism, Socialism, Communism from Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the Bloody French Revolution through Immanuel Kant to Friedrich Hegel to Karl Marx then altered by National Socialism, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong then the Frankfurt School and Herbert Marcuse to French Post Modern Existentialist and all its variants though-out history were proven to be and still are absolute moral and economic failures ending in tyranny, despotism, starvation, murder and death. All tyrants using the promise of equity and utopia to entice the masses into a totalitarian nightmare. Venezuela is one of the latest victims of this defunct ideology. Critical pedagogy a Marxist teaching system that has failed over and over is now embraced in our schools.

Even with Socialism’s bankrupt history this current movement still wants it because they say: those many failures were not really socialism, we can do it better or it just feels and sounds morally superior. They disregard the evidence. Post-Modern Neo-Marxist PHDs make emotion the true reality and facts are just subjective tools of our oppressors (Existentialism). They are at the root of the authoritarian woke, cancel culture movement. Critical Theory and Post-Modernism that invaded our colleges during the 1940s thru 1980s has gained great influence and are but another Marxist variant that was born in the radical 1960s and have taken over the left wing of the Democratic party. Progressivism has also been corrupted by these radicals and no longer represents advancing policy to lift the common person but an intellectual elitist version of Marxism. (Government for the people but not by the people)

I believe Socialism’s greatest weakness is that when you concentrate power to the state it is rife for corruption and despotic elitists that will take advantage of it. Government inefficiency is multiplied by an unaccountable bureaucracy under an all-powerful state. Bureaucrats don’t know business, production, and markets. At least when a business makes to many blunders, they go bankrupt, when government blunders, they just tax us more for their inefficient bureaucracy.  The idea that a group of elitist separated from the life of the common person knows what is best for the rest of us is repugnant not to mention illogical and anti We the People and a step back into chains. It’s easy to see how these tyrants want to rule, “Do as we say not as we do.” They will implement their socialist religion at all costs.



Facing Marxism’s disasters, and the fact that the Classic Lockean Western Liberalism (individual rights, free markets, tolerance, property rights, self-determination, and personal responsibility) had put Socialism to shame a new strategy must be found. The middle and working class are enjoying the benefits of our liberties and are not going to give it up for Marxist revolution. Our middle class who was happy and satisfied in the Marxist’s eyes were brainwashed dupes fooled by their oppressors “The Industrial State”. The common person went from working dawn to dusk just to survive in a rural setting to unparalleled wealth, leisure and success. Poverty levels have drastically fallen around the world and life expectancy and health have climbed to all-time highs in a little over the last hundred years in the liberty loving free-market countries. Socialism killed and starved people by the millions in the countries controlled by the Marxist over and over.

A life of gaining time to pursue interests other than work and consumption that the Marxist Intellectuals say we are living and deceived by will be achieved through productivity not collectivism or central planning.  Productivity is releasing us more and more from work that may or may not be alienating people depending if they are already making a living doing something they love. We have already come a long way from working ourselves to death just to survive like they did just a few short generations ago in rural farm life. We are enjoying the benefits of free markets that only kings of the past dreamed of as common people of our age.

Since the evidence destroys Socialism as a viable system the Academic Orthodoxy had to do something to save their absurd ideology, they must destroy their enemies: reason and the facts. The amazing hypocrisy is they undermined reason and logic with contradictions created by reason and logic then used contradiction to destroy reason and facts that prove Marxism is a total failure. Using paradoxes, word games, conundrums, moral dilemmas, and language games they proved to themselves that truth and reality are subjective and cannot in their minds be known. Evidence became a subjective tool of the oppressors.

According to Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Critical Theory truth is subjective and shaped by human experience, emotion and influenced by ideology. Marxist adherents justified in their minds the superiority of Marxism because it felt right and sounded morally superior. Even though Marxism has destroyed lives by the hundreds of millions, they rationalized all those failures were not real socialism. Their many theories from Conflict Theory, to Critical Race Theory to Gender Studies, Diversity Studies, Tribalism, Critical Pedagogy, Queer Theory, Radical Feminism and Power Politics all stem from the same roots, Scientific Marxism, Critical Theory and Post-Modernism. These pseudo theories are not validated by evidence but academic bubbles, citation circles, echo chambers and group think, not real-world empirical proof. In the heyday of Russian Marxism, they even believed the group conscious could alter nature itself! Since much of Marx has been demonized and discredited our moderns revert to another proponent of group rights Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Post Structuralism a modern tool of the Marxist. Language shapes thought so language shapes culture and society, so language shapes reality and truth, concluding humanity shapes reality and truth. To control language is to control humanity even to the point of changing human nature itself. Apparently, none of them have ever raised children! Knowledge is power, take over education and the language to take control of the culture and society. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture and the attack on free speech that words can be a form of violence are used to close down any debate because facts and reason are in opposition to this nefarious philosophy. They deduce all of life is motivated by power disregarding any other motivators in life like love just to name one powerful incentive.

Deconstruction, a totally subjective way of looking at history and literature that finds ulterior motives in the western cannon of classics, law, and tradition, mostly white supremacy, patriarchy, and power (Neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory). Really just a way to label everything racist, chauvinistic, and throw it away without a debate that they may lose. History helps shape culture and shows Marxist failure so our exceptional history must be torn down. Even though Classic Liberalism was the first to give autonomy to humanity, the right how one would live his life and what he would think and believe and then extended it to all races and both genders the Post Modern Neo-Marxist Academic Oligarchy only focuses on its short comings all the while ignoring Socialisms own ultimate failures. Critical Theory in practice must always be about the business of tearing down social norms to drive their dialectic theory of opposites clashing to create the next step in cultural progress, it’s called never ending revolution.

One of the modern revisionist’s favorite weapons is to bludgeon the western tradition with its involvement with slavery. These Gas Lighters know full well that it was in the western tradition that slavery was questioned for the first time in history then ended and that our ancestors also worked to end it around the world. Our roots still in Europe at the time of America’s revolution were still peasants and serfs under the absolute rule of kings and landowners and enslaved also. All the races had at one time enslaved their own people and other races. The word slave itself comes from Slavs because the Romans had enslaved so many of them.

The Post-Moderns use Women’s Rights in the same way to demean our history. These deceivers know by the early 1800s many Christians colleges, such as Oberlin, were extending degrees to minorities and women. Women and minorities had already been elevated by Christians to equals and partners rather than subservient to others. Christians were also involved in Progressivism and many Social Justice movements for the betterment of humanity and the common person in our past. There are too many women and minority heroes even in the beginning of our history and through-out to mention in this short article.


The Post-Modern Neo-Marxist sterilizes humanity into nothing but a quest for power. Acquiring power justifies any means to acquire it, from using lies and propaganda to fomenting hate and envy no matter the devastation it causes. Marxists promote revolution at any cost, the ends justify the means, a wicked justification if there ever was one. These radicals would free us from the evil “Industrial State” to make us slaves to the elitists and government. You could say we have fought two World Wars and a Cold War against this poison ideology which our wise founders even rejected at its beginnings, the Jacobians, and The Bloody Rousseauian French Revolution. Now we fight this battle against totalitarianism from with-in. If history has proven anything it is that humanities greed and lust for power is insatiable and our system of checks and balances has done a good job of keeping it in check. Human nature is not going to be changed by controlling language and culture.

Being pulled into reality by life. Read the best seller of all time and year after year, the first book ever made on the movable type press, the foundation of our Western Civilization, the life changing Bible, endorsed by millions of people all over the earth throughout history. When too much partying enslaved me to drugs, alcohol and any selfish urge the Bible’s truths broke the chains of bondage and led me to true freedom! 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 condenses the whole message. Faith in this message will open the door to true love, liberty and fulfillment which is God’s burning love and Spirit in your heart. Continue your journey in the Gospel of John and the book of Romans, they will give you an idea what the whole Bible is all about, the love of God and your redemption. For a troubled soul read Romans chapter 8 multiple times a day for comfort.


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